
Tuesday 29 September 2015

脊椎侧弯 (scoliosis)

相信很多人对"scoliosis” 这个词语也不太陌生 
 自己身边都有几位朋友,亲戚都有这个症状当然 包括我自己


脊椎俗称龙骨,是人体的主干,由七节颈椎、十二节胸椎、五节荐椎及四节尾椎由上到下整齐排列而成,基本上应该是成一直线,不偏不倚,若是有左右不对称,就是所谓的‘脊椎侧弯’。脊椎侧弯通常发生于青少年期,以女性居多。当足弓地基不正的时候,我们的脊椎会 自动调节,导致左右倾斜不对称,就是所谓的脊椎侧弯。再加上许多青少年喜欢单肩背著大包包,如果长时间背著过重的包包,不但肩膀负担沉重,就连臀部也要出力支撑,因此 很容易出现高低肩、腰椎弯曲等脊椎侧弯的体态


故事就要从4年前说起 还记得那时候我去中国旅行 然后我的阿姨就发现我走路怪怪的
感觉一拐一拐可是并不明显 我的屁股会翘上来
(原因就是因为我的脊椎骨歪了 影响到我的骨盘也歪了 所以我有长短脚

当然 那时候正在旅行 所以也不以为然 没当一回事 回到家 也忘了
直到有一天冲凉的时候 我照镜子 看见自己的腰竟然歪了 (那时吓到妈妈不认得)

就是这样 注意我的右边腰,是不是比较进去 .. 

过后就立刻去看医生 然后医生叫我去照x-ray

2012年的时候 ..

结果真的歪了 26度  在他们医科里面要40度以上才算严重
严重的定义就是要开刀动手术  不知该喜该悲 我不上不下 不能开刀
所以一直保持不变 医生说是不能直回了 只能做运动让它不要恶化

照了x-ray后,医生说只能做运动维持 不能改变了 但我妈妈没有放弃
她带我试过了很多方法 不管西医或中医 

这个物理治疗需要长期的做 不是一次两次就会有效果
我选择放弃 是因为 一来 我没有那么多时间 每一个星期要去1-2次做治疗
而且费用是算一次一次的 一次要几百元 

然后我的朋友得知我有了这个病 介绍我中医的针灸+折骨
第一次去的时候 哭死我 看照片就懂 现在想回去还是很怕
我去了一段时间 觉得没什么用 而且医师很坦白的说 需要4年的时间给他治疗
一个星期也是要去好几次 维持4年 而且很远 要去到petaling jaya那边

我也试过了去骨专科看医生 也是没用 只是说了一些废话 然后给我做运动

这些就是我天天都需要做的运动 给我的骨骼更强壮 不会恶化下去 越来越歪
现在走路不好看 没什么大不了 可是如果以后越来越严重 会压到神经线
再严重 怀孕的时候根本很难 可以想象到那个后果吗

天天做运动 谁有这样的耐力和坚持 
或许你有 但那不是我 天天做 直到老 你懂吗 ._.

经过一切一切的方法 我得知了这个 GOODARCH 公司
我的长辈都有在穿  是她们介绍给我的 它是一间鞋子公司 专门为有骨头问题的人
做一双属于自己的鞋 调整回自己的骨 

我不太会解释 lol 所以如果真的有兴趣了解更多 可以到他们的网址

总结来说 它是一双可以调整你的骨头 by wearing it everyday.

一去到那边 你要先印脚 然后他们会根据你的脚印判断出你的问题
所以我的问题就是骨盘歪了 然后他们会根据你面对的问题 做出这个“弓” (as shown in the picture) 





你需要把这个“弓” 放进你的鞋子里面穿 一开始你会觉得不舒服 怪怪的 有一块东西顶着
可是相信我 你穿了几天就会习惯了 这绝对不是一个大问题

妈妈买了这双鞋给我 从中五那年开始 我就一直穿着它
我穿去学校 出街也穿 走越多越好

就这样 一过就过了三年 
看看我的鞋子 从新的 被我穿到这样 认识我的朋友都知道 以前不管我去哪里 我都会穿着它
现在上了大学 我依然天天穿着它去college 
我觉得应该有很多同学都很好奇 为什么我的鞋烂到这样还要穿 哈哈
而且有时候真的跟我的穿着很不啦刚 没办法啦 :(

重点来了 有一天心血来潮 我就叫妈妈带我去照x-ray
三年了 当然要看看自己穿了那双鞋那么久 有没有什么improvement


DANG DANG! 感觉奇迹出现了 从26度变到20度
整整直了6度! 或许6度对你来说就是很少 可是对我来说 已经是很大的进步了

2012 VS 2015 (这样看比较看得出分别吧)

我很感谢goodarch公司 不但让我的脊椎没有恶化 反而进步了


1. 你只需要付一次钱 就是买那个“弓” 然后是可以给你穿一辈子的 
我忘了多少钱 大概RM2500-3000左右 (可以分期付款)重点是一辈子

2. 终生免费服务 是终生哦 我3年里面每隔3个月回去调整鞋 一分钱都没有给过
你买了那双鞋 你穿了一两个月 你需要回去调整你的鞋 
然后那里的服务人员会帮你印脚 看你的进展 服务一流!

3. 不只是给scoliosis问题的人 also for

a. 膝盖疼痛
b. 腰酸背痛
c. 肩颈僵硬
d. 脊椎侧弯

所以我的姑婆阿姨都有在穿着 而且每次我回去 都会看到很多老人在穿了

4.它真的有效果 不是骗人的 
说实话 一开始我也是抱着不大的希望 因为之前都尝试了那么多方法 
医生都说不能了 或者一定要很长时间 所以我穿着 只希望不要恶化下去
直到我最近照了x-ray 亲眼看见了效果 我相信了 

5. 方便 
就如我之前所说的 你要我运动 你要我每个星期去物理治疗 维持几年
是不可能 我没有耐心 更没有那么多时间
而goodarch, 不需要感觉任何疼痛 更不需要浪费任何时间
只需要出门穿着它 你说 还有什么方法好得过它呢?

6.它有很多家分店 总公司在sri petaling 靠近bukit jalil stadium
我是去总公司的啦 可是你也可以选择最靠近你家的分店去询问

前几天回去调整鞋子的时候 因为生日有扣钱 而且鞋子穿了3年烂了
所以妈妈决定买新鞋给我 RM240

给了第一次钱后 这是我3年来第一次付钱哦 太棒了! 

如果你有兴趣 可以到他们的店了解更多 有专业人士会在那里跟你解释

p/s : 我打这篇文章不是为了要骗你买 也不是要帮它打广告为了要赚钱
而是我真心介绍给那些真的有需要的人 我真心看到有效果 所以我跟你分享


Crystal Pui Yan click here

正足有限公司 (189126-K)
  TEL :+603 9058 0888 HQ
  FAX :+603 9057 4279 
 ADD :82, 84 & 86, Jalan Radin Anum 1, 
                 Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, 

Sunday 12 April 2015


Few weeks ago, my bf did bought a voucher from them.
The voucher is about to pay RM88 instead of RM188 for teeth cleaning.
Yea, so I accompanied him here. 

Dentalpro is loacted at bangsar's housing area. It is actually a big bungalow.
They have reserved parking for their own patients. 
Therefore no need to worry about no parking there.

 Actually I never hear of it's name and this is our first time here.
We came all the way here from Setapak just because of the voucher lol

This is the registration counter. 

Before you go into the room you need register yourself by filling in your information.

 The whole teeth cleaning process took around 20 mins which is very short.
Usually it should takes 30-45mins, depends on your condition.
 We knew we bought voucher la so is okay.

The dentists there are very friendly and services are pretty good.
They are very professional too but the prices are expensive of course! :P

Btw, the first thing dentist said when she asked him to opened his mouth : 
"I really think you should think about braces!" HAHAHAHAHA
I told him to put on braces with me but he don't want zzz

Dental Specialist Centre
263 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar
59000 Kuala Lumpur 
Tel+603-2094 3333

Saturday 11 April 2015

The first step to do before you put on braces.

Hello everyone, so today I would like to share about the first step you must do before you put on your braces. 
Before that, I will share all the researches I did before I decided which braces to put on.
Fyi, there are types of braces you can choose. 

1. Traditional Braces (metal)

This is the most common one and I guess everyone saw it before.
People can choose what colors they want for every time they tighten their braces because there is elastic band need.
However, this is pain as there will be a headgear on the last tooth,
This require tooth exaction.

2. Self Ligation Braces (the one i chose)

The  Self-Ligating Braces technology eliminates the need for rubber bands. Wire is being lock up by the brackets and the locking system
The benefits:
  • Small SmartClip braces move teeth more quickly
  • Smooth, contoured surfaces offer a more comfortable fit
  • Self-ligating design keeps orthodontist appointments to a minimum
  • Without rubber bands, braces are easier to keep clean 
In a conlusion : Quick and Less pain 

Anyhow, exaction tooth are still needed :( 

3. Damon

Damon is similar to the second one. It is a type of self-ligation too. But, the differences are
  •  No exaction tooth needed 
  • Put on the braces on your upper teeth during the first time
  • A month later only put on your lower teeth

In a nutshell: for those who don't want pain and exaction tooth, you can choose this 

* Damon is the best for me. I recommend people who want to put on braces to think about it. In addition, when I googled 'braces', Damon can be said the most  famous one and almost everyone taking it. So you will be wondering why I'm not taking Damon.
 The reason I don't want to choose Damon, because there is no extraction of tooth needed. (lol i'm too 犯贱 i guess) And I watched the video on youtube the way how Damon works . I scare it will larger my face wtf as you know braces will make your face smaller, and the particular reason I guess is because you extracted your tooth therefore ... 
This is my own thinking anyway lol 

Alright, after decided which type of braces to put on, another problem arise.
Where to put on?

1. Ong Dental Surgery 
18a, Jalan 54, Kepong

This is a very famous dental at kepong area. (most of my friends did their braces there)
This is because it is very cheap (3.5k for traditional braces)
However, every time you go, you need to wait at least few hours or even half day. 
(even with appointment)
And according to my friend, the orthodontist was very careless
(he forgot to put on the elastic band  for my friend wtf -.-) 
(maybe he got many patients waiting and he want to be fast) 

2. Klinik Pergigian Yong
Jalan Pahang 53000 Kuala Lumpur
03-4023 0793

This is my bf's and his family favorite dentist. 
So I went there for consultation too (RM40)
The reason I'm not choosing this because their first payment required RM3.5k (only plain for braces not included everything) 
This is out of my budget. If add on everything will be almost 5k for only 1st payment.

3. Klinik Pergigian Choo
18-1, Genting Court, Jalan 3/50c Off Jalan Genting Kelang,
03-4022 5397

This clinic only offers a type of braces which is Damon
And their nurses there are very friendly and patient to answer all your questions.
Their Damon only cost 5k (sooooo cheap) Fyi, Damon cost at least 6.5k - 25k outside
Actually I'm abit regret why not choosing them now  T_T

4. Lim Dental Surgery (my final decision)
No. 126, 1st Floor, Metro Genting Klang, Jalan Genting Klang

The reason I choose here :
1. Nearby my house
2. Do not need to wait long for consultation.
3. Their machines look advance and orthodontist look pro.
4. Few of my friends went there and have good comments over there.

However, this is the most expensive as compare to others.
The whole braces process included everything need to be around 8k+

So yea. now back to the topic.

This is the registration counter of Lim Dental Surgery.
All their nurses there are very polite. 


While waiting for my turn .... 

This is my first time there. Before that I did called and ask for the prices and details.
Although this time only going to be consultation.
 i am still very scare and nervous (as you know i'm those type of ppl that very scare of pain)
I will cry during my injection. lol

Waited not more than half hour,  the nurse called my name.
My orthodontist start explaining all the details and prices to me

RM150 for teeth cleaning (depends on your condition)
RM150 for tooth extraction (depends on your condition)
RM100 for tooth filling  (depends on your condition)
RM300 for mold+x-ray+photo (is a must before agree for braces treatment)

My teeth need to do all above fml -.-
4 tooth need to be extracted and 5-6 tooth need to do filling T_T

Before taking photo,  he put a plastic things in  my mouth to hold my mouth open on each side of the corner of my mouth.

  photo shooting season LOLOL ;P
It's feeling so weird when your mouth are opened so big and there's a camera on you.

the idk  face lol

 I rarely smile by showing my teeth because of the rabbit teeth.
And dang dang, this is how I look when I smile with my teeth.

 This is how the mold going to be done. 
 First, my orthodontist find a metal mold to fit my mouth.
then they mix up the liquid paste (for the mold) and put it in the metal mold. 
 They'll say to open your mouth as wide as possible and they will slowly stick the mold in.
 This part will be uncomfortable.
 Then will have to leave it in for about one minute. Breathe through your nose and it actually make me feel like vomit because the taste is really disgusting. *yucks
After that, they will take out the mold and you will feel some pressure (since the paste is basically stuck on your teeth), then it will come off and you are done. 

Anyway, not painful at all okay. 

 The mold is showed in the photo (yellow thingy)
It smell good (like fruit taste) but disgusting HAHA

And here come the last one, X-RAY!

This is how I done my x-ray. Exactly same as the photo.

So this is my first experience for my braces' consultation.
I'm so worry now to the next appointment because it's gonna be teeth cleansing and tooth filling.

Hope you enjoy reading! 

Tuesday 7 April 2015


As title above - 我毕业了! 


还记得第一天进到college的那种心情,就是超级忐忑 不想上大学
 不知道会认识到什么样的朋友 很不舍得自己中学朋友 不想长大
然后很迷惑 不知道要拿什么科系 结果最终拿的科系完全没有一个朋友跟我一样
我自己一个人孤独去上课 ... 

这一些 都是两年前的事。

很感谢上天 让我遇见了她们 踏进班的第一天就跟她们成为了好朋友

I'm thinking,how will it be if my college life without them ...... 
I can't imagine and I don't want to.

Anyway, this is the very first time they appeared in my blog. *beproudokay
Let me introduce to you, the one beside me named - Miyaki/Angel
And the one with pink shirt named - Angie/Mei Qi


I can laugh 24/7 whenever with them. idkwhy
I'm not sure that when we can meet one another again because they are not KL people.
They are going back to their hometown tomorrow T_T
But we will miss each other in our heart, deeply. (no matter we continue our degree or not)

 (毕业了就想拍跳起来的毕业照 只欠长袍和四方帽 LOL)

Mei Qi 要送我花
Miyaki 送我 balloon :P

我们的最后一餐午餐 @ IKEA

-The End-