
Friday 8 February 2013

Last day work.

Hair cut before CNY! (Y) Like finally !
So my hair became shorter now! :) 

Btw our shop came many baby's stocks! OMGGGG

 Went manicure w peng using our break time! CNY mood ON! ^_^

Actually we had lots of fun while working inside our shop :')
I miss every moment w you guys. 

It is my last day work here! :( 
Not only me but also LZ and Peng! Hmmmmmmm!
No more chance to work together. But will keep in touch :)

Lips bleeding all of a sudden.
Never realize until a customer told me ! LMAO -.-

So I'm not working @ Festival Hush Puppies anymore.
HAHA You guys no need come visit me ady :P

Btw, dear dear got 4.0 for his result. So smart :D
Congratulation and I'm so proud of it ^_^

Lastly, LZ reached Sarawak in this early morning.
And he whatsapp us this freaking yum food ! :/


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