
Monday 4 February 2013

Life of PI !

Hello it is monday and also my off day AGAIN ._.
HAHAHA! Okay this is so so fast ! 
Outing w dear dear yay finally can meet he after 3 days long!

Went to THE GARDEN for this movie!
Surprising there are still showing this movie like wow ! (y)
Only 3 couple = 6 people in the cinema ! AWESOME BWAHAHAHA

Gong Cha FTW :D 

Where got people so cute one?! Heeeeeeeeeee :P

Ohh we had a little walk before the movie.
Like walking one floor by one floor from The Garden to Mid
Just waiting our movie time to reach!
Aww we are just so freeeeeee! LMAO

CAM-WHORE FTW! Ulala ^_^

Had our lunch/dinner at Manhattan Fish Market @ Mid Valley :)

Dear gonna start his new sem tomorrow ! Aww good luck :D

Just love the way he care me so much so much :')


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