
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Labour Day!

Okay let's say HELLO to MAYYYYYYYYYYY! :(((
This is not a happy stuff. Because it will be our mid term exam month :O
ME DIE 99 ! Should be 9999999999999999! ZZZ

(Y) ! 1st day of May is holidayyyyy! This is happy stuff :P
Everyone went out shopping. BUT NOT ME!
Me go drama practice in the early morning! 
Helped them photo shoot for the poster ! 

Then accompany mummy went Jusco shopping.
I had starbucks like finallyyyyyyyyyy! How long I never bought T-T

Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino ! #likeaboss :D


5 more days left ! D:

I want to be SEJARAH KIA Liaoooooooooooooooo! #hehehe


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