
Thursday 6 May 2010

Damn FISH ~!!! x.x

:D  ~



Went tuition as usual.

So after dinner, went to daniel's house
It is 8pm ~ his dad havent bak.
Called my mum fetch us go

After da called, his dad reached home dy ==
His dad drived as fast as he can
So we reach tuition at 8.11pm =)

While walk-ed up to da tuition centle, I realise dat
My yuran - RM160 sudah hilang pulak =X

I was like, wtf! Oh shit! GOSH!
And many many many kind of feeling came to my head all of a sudden.

Asked daniel call his dad, Maybe it leave on da car?
But he was like, I dun care! x.x

I called myself. But the answer was NO! ><
No in the car, dat means ... on the road?!!!!
Sudah habis laa! TT

Dat time I almost gonna cry out.
Beh tahan dy waa!

Okay! FINE! Go to my place and sat down sambil crying

Pau pau and all of them was shock when saw me was crying x)
Sry! I really cant control myself dat time.
Told whole story to pau pau

Den all of them decided help me go down the road and find
So, Huai Jun, Hong Yuan, Yi Yang, Shi Kang, Pau pau and ME
6 of us go down while da class was started!

Hmm, da feel was like, I kena bully, 5 of them help me settle xD
5 boys 1 girl~ LOL!
Ahahahahaha! Thk all dude~ =)

We finded start from the way I came juz now.
My heart was ... pipopipopipopipopipo! ++
At last, I saw it at mamak stall der!

Oh gosh! I found it~!!! really found it~
My heart was ... THK GOD!!

Stoped my tears =) And I was very touch~
Thk all of them. Really really thk soooo muchhiiiii

You noe wad? RM160 was juz on da middle of stall
But x one saw or x wan take! It was like ... IMPOSSIBLE rite?!

Went bak to the class as fast as we can. Already late!
While we open da door came in, I feel damn FISH all of a sudden!
Alllahhhh!! @@

Many eyes were looking on my eye huh?!!
My eye is kinda swell and red -.-
...  HELP!

Cool down myself~ Hmm, everythings be okay den =)

Thk GOD! Thk 5 of them! Really thk thk thk!!!
:DDD ~ wheeeeeeee <3

I love you all !!!

And I wanna say : DANIEL IS SUCK!!!
Kinda damn suck LMAO~


A special day for pau pau! LOL!
1st time saw me cried x.x

And a 'lucky' day for me!
' Lucky ' is becos I droped my money
Lucky is becos I found it back.

~TH3 3ND~

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