
Monday 3 May 2010

It is May D=


It is may. Who dunno ==
Having examz diis month ~

I dun really like it x.x

Went jj at wangsa maju, bought cousin sista's bufday present

Had a bufday party at her house ~
Keep playing wid her dog wheeeeee . chubby!!!

Ewwwww xD ~

Home sweet home at 2am ++



It is second day of MAY. So fast huh?!!!
Hapii bufday to Tricia =)))

Okay, woke up at 9 sumthings, accompany daniel 4 breakfast
Den went tuition at 11am - 4pm @.@
WTH ~!

But nvm, examz is cuming.

Saw he bak >.<
It was like ... kinda weird huh?
Dunno wad to do.

Oh ya ! Daniel, Pau pau and I took TAXI to ttn
Hohohoho, how long din i took a taxi dy?
lalallalallla <3

Maybe 5 years above =)

Total RM5.50 from setapak jaya to genting klang
Mahal sangat! But ... bo bian
Still nid paid wad zzz

So bak home at 4pm ~

Wanna went for a movie wid cat cat n daniel but no at last

No permission ~ wtf.

WWM's cinema actually x dat gud :X

Recieve a notice from xxx -.-
Had gotong-royong at sunday morning in Bukit Mulia
Means our area. @@

But no one go xD
X berkerjasama pulak :X

Night, went to popo's house for dinner
Nth special =)

* OWS had bak from BALI ! :D
wheeeeeeee !!! =)))

Project havent start, Revision havent start -.-
OMG !!
OPY ar OPY !!! What are you thinking waa? ++

No EMO in my life plz x)

Mum : everyday fb fb fb ~ not sienz d meh? zzz


A new started for me in seri pagi. :)
Not bad ~ <3


~TH3 3ND~

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