
Friday 30 April 2010

My last day at suria.

Bringing sum weird feel to der.
Dunno how to describe it
Okay wadeva. :D

Keep chit chat wid them as it is our last day
But we decided x telling teacher dat we gonna leave
xD ~

Camwhole time again x)

Rajin - nya~~~~ :P

No much to say ~
Keep in touch my frenz :D


29 . 4 . 10

Location : skul  =)

Final round of volley ball's competiton
Shout till kinda crazy
Okay ... Guess who I saw?

I saw Cikgu Yusof ~!!!!!!  OMG
I was like , cant belive it ><'''
Shouted his name as loud as I can xD

Cum to us and chat wid us ~
I miss him x( ~ x meet he b4 after his wedding
...  TT

His team won champion ~ Congratz =)

Leng zaiii leng zaii leng zaiii xD
Leng luii leng luii leng luiii
Those word are always keluar from our mouth x)

Oh yay ~!  I saw 2 rainbow in the sky while on da way bak home
Ahhahahah ~ Imma kinda hapiiiii wheeee :)))))
Freaking beautiful ++

Too bad,  x camera beside me. Cant capture it waa

A gud news here.
WWM's cinema is finally OPEN ~!!!
LOL !!!

Lalalallallalaa. Dating sumbody out dis weekend x)

Never scare bored now ~ hehehehe :D

* Congratz to Cat n JK ~!!!  Finally wheeee <3

Tonight will be a new start to me.
Hope dat everythings will be okay =)

Distance from now to examz - 20 days ~
* phewwwwww ~
Havent start study x(


~TH3 3ND~

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