
Thursday 29 April 2010

Say byeii to SURIA x(

Okay, I gonna leave Suria =(
5 years at der. >o<

After 2nite, Imma x gonna tuition at der anymore
Say byeeiiii =)
And I will kinda miss you all =(   *sigh

Btw, Miss me TOO ~!!! xD

Any reason? shhhhhhhhhh  *secret x)


Dis few day had volley ball's competition at our skul
Many different skul were cuming x)
YEAAAAA~!!! leng zaiiii xDxD

LOL !!!

Sum of our 38 member were keep kap zaii -ing
Imma da one x)

OMG ~ really ' many ' leng zaiii wheeeee

Number 5 and 8 ~! =S
:DD  <3 <3

Okay, Enough ! -.-


Our class is more bored now a day. TT

So we decide playing wid da mirror @@

Wheeeeee`` diiis is my serius look when doing hw xD
Ahahhahahah x)



Raining now =(  

Moody or Emo should I? ++

Imma x in gud mood today~
I wan LOLIPOP !!! ><

Rushing to skul x.x

~TH3 3ND~

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