
Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sry TT

Password : Ur name ( The name I called you =) )

* plz use BIG LETTER

I noe you will noe who had I talking about?

~TH3 3ND~


  1. I'm jealous and pissed with cy.-_- and, I don't trust with the word "Forever". Relationships do change and I don't know why would I pissed off when you left.

  2. why? jealous for? she already put bak single wad. ==

    yea. x 4ever in our life =)

    about me ~ err ... err
    I also dunno wad 2 say dy =(
    Hope u dun angry dy lar
    ltr x leng zaii anymore =P

    I really dunno dat u will take it so serious ><

    LOL. Wadeva now.
    Conclusion is ? forgive me?


  3. wtv. thats not gonna do anything to my life. if you are me, you will know what do I feel. i ben lai aso not lengzai de la. not like ur lao gong so lengzai ma.

  4. duh. ==

    if you wanna like dat think

    nvm den =)

  5. My fb still stay silent without you :)

  6. Is you dun giv me chance to spam =X

  7. You spamming ur lao gong de enough le lor. very sweet ma. I ain't happy nowadays. sigh. too much things to talk to but nobody would hear.
