
Friday 7 May 2010

emo? LOL. Imma x =)

day pass-ed by day everyday.

Unconsciously ... sum x is nearly me now a day
Anyways, Imma still enjoyed my life no matter how it be

Becos IM OPY !!! Always stronger den everyone of YOU! :D

Hmm ... guessing dat u do x understand wad I am trying to say x)
Nvm~  wheeeeeeee :)

Oh yea! today class, after recess x class till the end ~!
Lalalallalaalala <3

Ong Mou Mou is kind + unselfish ( sum1 said it )
Dun you agree? xD LOL!

Sometime, Im juz trying to hind myself behind you
Can you dun expose me?! @.@

~TH3 3ND~

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