
Sunday 16 May 2010

what a LIFE means.

My life is geting more bored + bored + bored

Hmm! Altought I said dat I will study hard forr my examz
But, sry dat I x do it x(

Ytd, went to my study room for 4 hour
Guess wad I had did?
I juz finished T3's sej Bab1 - 5 =.=~

Without them, I will die faster x)

And I was like freaking beh tahan dy!!!
Lalu pergi on9 x)  wth!

Ishhhhh! Anyway, I will try my best.
Wont 辜负 you all  =)



Thomas cup final round! China vs M'sia
7pm - 11pm ~!!!
I was freaking gan jiong of da result

But u noe wad?!! I realise dat I had tuition tonite
Hmm!!! wtf? ++

Okay. Fine! Called sis sms me all da result
Sambil tuition sambil check the lastest news xD
And last, M'sia byeii byeiiii TT~
How sad laaa ><

Lin Dan is really LC ! =.=
I hate the action he had did. Feel like wanna ... he

Oh ya! Had an accident while goin to ttn

As usual, walked from da mamak stall to centrel
And I saw a RAT! A BIG BIG RAT! It juz run over me
Allllllahhhh`` scream like hell!!!

All those malay were juz looking at me.
Oppssss`` Imma paisehx laa =(

Nvm! Walked away quickly. But havent reach 3 second
I saw another BIGGER RAT run out from da longkang
My respond : scream as loud as i could
And juz run over da longkang

And GOSH! I steped into those water =.=
Shit ! OMFG!

Look back ++ ~ Imma sry.
Dun saw me seem saw ghost! ><'''

Really terrible ~!!! Daniel was juz get shock when I scream
Ahhahahahahha! =.='''

x go milky green but went yam cha wid Jason n JC
Station 1 cafe !!! Wasted my RM11+ for a glass of ...
Lemon + Apple juice? LOL!

Feel like wanna go Feeling cafe, Happy season, Coca Club and Chartz Room cafe next time! :D  ~ wheeeeeee

Saw IP Man2 finally !!! Yay! xD
Very nice ~ Juz wanna say dat ~
Imma proud to be chiness. :D

So touch while da hong sifu dead =(
My tears almost come out from my eyes xD

~TH3 3ND~

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