
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Ken Li's belated birthday!

Yesterday went out w my friends again. 
Celebrated our big boss's birthday and this time I'm the planner!
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay very proud :P

U-Village @ Sg wang. 
We had our lunch here :)

It would be a surprise for him. 
So I kept asking Jessie what to do -_-
Where to buy cake where to celebrate blah blah blah :(


After finished my lunch, went to buy cake w Jessie.
Walked all around like 198437189371897318989727893km -_-
To buy a cake. wtf 
After bought walked back to the restaurant. Hmm! zzz

 Prepared everything outside.

Beside the rubbish bin?!! 
Okay seriously I never realized until I look back in this photo -.-


Called Adam to help us put on the fire on the candles.
I'm so fail I don't even know how to use a lighter? T-T

Once I opened the door, all the candles had extinguished !
WHAT THE HELL @.@ Whatever just went in.

 And you know what?! The big boss was talking on the phone.
No one singing birthday song. THE MOST AWKWARD MOMENT -_- 
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh! >.<

 Lastly we still sang , make a wish and blow the candles :)

Sorry for the late celebration! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :D

Hope you like the presents from US! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!


 #2 ! :)

YAY! My DIY puzzles. Made by myself ! HOHOHOHOHO! ^_^ 

 Finished celebration, walked to LOT10 for donuts.
Then time square for desserts! :D

Again, we went to 许留山 ! #CRAVING !

 Happy moment w sakais sakais sakais ! :P
We did lots sakai things :(

Almost everyday go shopping w this girl.

连体婴! :O

Our #OOTD ^_^

Spent over hundred in this weekend. 
All my money gone. DADDY MUMMY T-T
And ate so much so much super much duper much in this few days.
GAIN 89437347893274892479 FATS ^_^ #fml

Is time to get ready for my study. 
No more outing I guess ! :P #Trying #So #Hard !


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