
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Marcus's birthday :)

PHOTOS ABOVE ARE FROM Ching Pau's DSLR and YY's Iphone :P

24th of Sept ! It's our MA KE SI's birthday :)
Someone had planned a birthday celebration for him!
So HANG FUK oneeeeee

Wilson and Man Peng drove us to WM's LRT. 
Then we took LRT to KLCC :)

14 members are here ! What a miracle ! :P 

Had lunch in this restaurant! It should be a Japanese restaurant.
1st time went into. 

 Everyone ordered their own food :)

 Cam-whored time!

While wating the foods to come :P

Very de niceeeeeee ^_^ !
Maybe I'm toooooooooooo hungry T-T HAHAHAHHAHAHA

After lunch , of course need to bil ! LOL


Celebration moment is here ! :D


Hope your wishes come true and GROW TALLER YAAAA XD

 #Group photo ! :3

 Chocolate ice cream cake. 
Why only he goT ice cream cake but us normal cake in our bday?!! D:

 W le birthday boy! ^_^

Went outdoor @ water fountain @ photo shooting :D

A great day after school w le buddies !!! :D


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