
Wednesday 20 October 2010

The 1st time.

I used my phone to updated my blog. :)
Not bad wad. XD
Imma just too bored.

Well. Today was 2010!
Hapii bufday to yi jing, shang min and lee Yien Jie Jie.
Once again, all the best

Hmm, nowadays, really SIENZ for my life.
Sigh! Everybody were so 7 sin. Tired to care. Just let it go.
The life full of sadness. Still got wad can do?

I hate myself. Really hate!
I forced myself not to think too much everyday. But still, my mind was like uncontrollable. Wth was is huh?!

Still the same. Emo life are still on. Never get out from my life.

I feel very suck. Suck skul life. Everyday did ntg is skul. Why must we go?!! I dun really wan to meet YOU! You make me more emo!

Argh! Why my life will become like dat? :(
Anyone tell me?

Anyways, i seriously hate pimples! =X


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