
Wednesday 20 October 2010

Rock MG !

Awoke @ 8am =)

Reach Prima @ 11am. LMAO!

We are your nightmare! :D

Dun ask why my mouth like dat. It's EZRA's IDEA!

Camwhore with those junior ^^

All ppl reached, start our activity =)

We finished it @ 4pm =)

Second round @ 7pm

Busying for prepare the party and bought cake! =)
The black forest. heeeeeee!
Yea. It's milo teacher's bufday party.

We started with TAROT.
Dis is the TAROT MASTER. haha!

And this is the TAROT Assistant x)

The scene of dat party =P

8pm, start food! FINALLY @.@

HAHA! everyboday were so busy at der. =P

Milo teacher's present ^^

10pm, the time to blow bufday cake!

This is the BLACK FOREST cake! ^^

The modernest wishing method XD

Hope he enjoyed the day with us :D

~TH3 3ND~

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