
Friday 15 October 2010

It will be a EMO post

Lolipopssssss! <3 <3 <3 ohhhhhhhh myyy mama!

While, after PMR end, my life was seriously SUCK!
idk why =(

Just felt so down, so sad!

Many problem came out and found me! I cant solve it.

Where are my frenz? All gone~ dunno where to go.
well, i belive dat i still can solve it prefectly
Just let it be. Time solve everythings.

I still can live without YOU! =)
I could I should I must!

Friend? Best Friend? Loyatly friend? True friend?
It just maked me laugh! =X

My phone, dunno why, suddenly cant on internet

I feel so bored with the life without internet.
I thought the life after PMR will be very good.
But why i din feel it =(

Everyday went to skul did nth. Just the 2nd day.
Still got 40++ days to go. ~.~

Having fun with those 3S's frenz =)

Tell me wad should i do now.
 Tell me how i goin to face it.

Everybody changed!!!! -_________-

Dun try to bluf my tears. it really work.

Forced myself not to think so much.
But failed! imma loser! yea i'm =/

You dunno what i really wan. TT

It will be another SAD day for me.

* trying to think positive. I really did! But still ...



还是原来那个我 不过流掉几公升泪所以变瘦

我要变成一颗透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛。

~TH3 3ND~

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