
Wednesday 13 October 2010

The day after PMR

After sitting our last chiness paper, went lunch with
Marcus, Lulu, Ching Pau, You Xuan, Stephanie, Joleynn,
Yu Ling, Hui yi and Myself!!! :D

Yea, we went Desa. =)

After finished, continue our journey to wwm.

otw walking in =)

Well, we missed the time for movie TT
So, we decided to play bowling. =(
Sad laa! ;(

anyway, some accident happened.
The girl told us wearing skul uniform cant play.
Must change it.

Luckly i bring my shirt =P

Start! line 14 =D

You Xuan - he bluf-ed us. =x

He said he dunno how to bowling.
1st time, but! -.-
the highest at last @.@ wth!

Ini marcus, the another PRO guy x)

Lulu ... pro too! but his finger nail too long liao.
Dat why cant show out his full power =P

Soo Ching Pau, the 2nd noob.
hahahhahaha! funny laa he.

well, so who is the noob-est?!
Yea. She is here -____-

Seriously, if you come bowling wid me.
You wont LOSE! Sure wont.
Becos the loser sure must be ME! TT

Beside lulu d dat guy, memang profesional.
Woots! Total marks will over 200 O_O!!!

Haha. staright. too hapii till cant stand up liao =P

Fine, look at the result at last! -___-

I dun wanna say anythings.


Everytime also like dat d lorrrrrrrrrr!

Okay who cares! hapii jiu hao :D

Started cam-whore wid them after bowling x))))

teeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee ;)

My idea! go in the children's land! heeee ^^

Two guy ni PK ing race car.

So the winner was LULU! *clap clap clap

Look pro! @.@

haha. ini you xuan 1st time go in and play.
Dat why ..... =/  xDD

My turn my turn.
Imma girl. dun like to play race car but DRUM!!!
Fun laaaaaa :D

p/s: my lolipop's stick look kinda long rite?!
paiseh laa =X

heeeeeee, ignore the GAME OVER!
Rock me!! =D


PMR PMR! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Really had fun wid them. =)

And i meet two new frensz.

Joelynn and Stephanie! :D
nice to meet dis two leng luiiiss ^^

I wan to rock again wid my babes next time! :)

Actually i'm FRIENDLY! really. =P
You must say HI to me if you meet me!!!!
teeeeeeheeeeeeeeeee! ^^

Ohhh yaaa, i lost my bottle at wwm early.
But lastly thk you to hui yi and you xuan.
Helped me found back!!!! GOSH!
Really THK YOU! <3

This is wad a FRIEND means. :)

YOU're not my best friend anymore.


Crystal Pui Yan is back!!!
No more Canada Ong!!!!

~TH3 3ND~

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