
Thursday 21 October 2010

The simple.

Haha. Got 1st time then got 2nd time.
Yea. Using my hp to update my blog again. xD

My pc cant on liao. Dunno why.
Have to format it. Well. Everythings gone!
Firstly, i felt really sad. My pictures, my videos, my games, my songs etc all will gone!
But think positive. It will be a new start for me.
Forgot everythings ! :)

2moro nite will heading singapore.
Ahaha. Idk will it be a happy trip or wad.
But i will enjoy myself. No worries.

Kinda headache now!
Do you noe you're really annoying? Plz shut ur mouth up laa =X

Watched woohoo da ri zi at skul today.
Still felt nice althought watched before in cinema. :)

Which subject should i choose for my form4 class? TT
Physics or bio or ekonomi?
Can i go long piak?!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaa! :(
October 26 are coming soon. I nid pass up the form liao.
Ohhhh Myyyy. Very fan a! =\

Yea. I taked pic liao. Very ugly a! Gosh!
Wth. Captured till so fat. My fat round face! Ewwww! -.-
Dat x me. Is my sista ! =D

Promised myself. No rude words ever le.
I hope i can always Rmb it xD

知心朋友 一个就够 ^^

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