
Thursday 7 October 2010

3 days of PMR!

I miss my bloggie so muchhhiiii =(
Finally can update liao! =D
Yay! ^^

Okay okay, What to say?! Yes. Sure about PMR!

3 days over. 5 subjects over. 8 papers over.
2 days leave. 3 subject leave. 5 papers leave.

ulala :)


The life in a relationship with books is really suck!
Tired TT

PMR = Peperiksaan Memang Relax!
Macam yesh but memang NO!

Btw, i got my result liao. @.@

SC - 39/40
SEJ - 54/60
GEO - 50/60
BM - 28/40
BI - 36/40

I'm kinda disapointed with my BM and GEO!!!
Especially my geo geo geo!
I used 1 month time to study it. But ...

In fact, my sejarah and science shocked me!

FYI, I hate sc and sej gao gao lat!
But ... LOL!

Hapii yo! xD

1st time, i get so high mark for me sej.

Say thk you to NGEW YOU XUAN! =)

He teached me so much.
And thk you bringing the LUCK for me ^^

<3 <3 <3

Still got paper 2. I dont look well for dat.
You know my essay. SUCK!
That GOD's decision btw. Let's pray for it x)

Dun think so much liaw. Havent finish ur PMR! -.-
2 days more! Really cant wait for it!

OCTORBER! 17 of my frenz bufday's month!
woots! bankrup soon =/

Anyway, hapii bufday to all of you! hahaha! ( YES! IT'S YOU! )

Still the same, GUD LUCK ON THAT 2 DAYS!

KH, MM , BC! aleluya! guai guai let me score A! =D

My black eyes circle! TT TT TT
Ignore me a!!!!!! =X

p/s: actually ... PMR not dat scary! =S LMAO!
I love it so muchiiii =P
ulala :)

3天后 我终于接受到了。=/
慢慢尝试去了解他 我不知道是对是错
只知道 最终不要后悔就可以了 ~.~


~TH3 3ND~

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