
Monday 5 July 2010

All the days ;D


Whole day x class becos it is PPSMI week.
x bad actually be a camera girl in skul =D

Played all the time xDD
And ponteng on last peroid~ lalalala.
Simple day =)


Told YOU! I ate 2 octopus when recess time
OMGOSH!!! It was cold cold and red red
It juz a baby octopus. And I bought it and ate!

Allahhhhh TT

So geliii~ x.x ... gonna vomit out after ate.

I promised x 2nd time. Really sry to the octopus =(


The nite, My stomach was pain like hell!!!!!!!

Went to a restaurant for dinner @ setapak actually.
And dunno why while in the car, my stomach was started pain.
It was 胃痛 ... becos x lunch dat day.

Hmm, scold by everyone becos x eat lunch TT
Imma x dun1 eat is really x hungry dat time laa =X

Nvm, My tears was cuming out almost! TT!!!
Really pain. Dad called a hot susu for me
But really cant drank it becos too pain.

Everyone in da restaurant wad juz seeing me suffer at der.
=.= ~ FISH!

But also thk to everyone for caring me especially my mum. =D

Went bak home, terus go sleep x.x


Luckly my stomach was recover ^^
Then went to tuition @ 10am - 2pm

After tuition, went Carrefour =)

My shop! =P ... LOL!

Bought a new watch =) ... Like it so much
Thk dad! ^^

Everyone were asking wer my fish dat catched on sivik day
Nah!!! Inside my aquarium =D
Ahahahhah~ =)


Haaaaaaa! Finally updated all my post!
I really nid 48 hours per day x.x
Not enough time for me and I had many things x do yet!

GOSH! Later goin class tambahan again @ 11pm
And now I havent bath + eat~ seeee!
I gonna rush again x.x


~TH3 3ND~

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