
Saturday 31 July 2010

Silent saturday.

July 30

Pau's hand ( Drew by me )

Yan's hand ( Drew by pau )

YY's hand ( Drew by me ) =P

Yea, we love peace! wheeeeeeeeee =)
Everyday a smile on my hand. xD

Tuition time :

Ahahaha! Do you noe who is the vinegar? x)
Give you guy guess! =P

MM! *faint =(

OPY OPY !!! =P

YY 不知所措的样子 ~ hahaha! cute waa =D

My bou buii =) ~ everybody love it!

Our conversation @ tuition =P
Dunno who is dat actually! LMAO!

STUDY. ! ><

July 31 ( last day of July ) =(

LOL! Who has the fairness that impresses all? =P

August is cuming =D

My bufday is cuming! =D
And PMR is nearer D=
Percubaan PMR is nearest too! D=

Wow!!! x.x

Everybody went out =(
Leave me @ home ><

Went hair cut wid mum =D

Went yii zing and poi wei's house.
Took all those BBQ set for my bufday party =D

Thk! <3

Done all my things today.
满足感 <3

Today was a silent saturday.

有人去了领袖营 有人去了云顶myfm台庆
有人去了生日会。 x.x

很不习惯 那么安静的星期六。

GOSH! Really bored ~!

Sry Leslie !!! =X
Enjoy ur day =)

~TH3 3ND~

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