
Saturday 17 July 2010

Merendas desa + eclipse =D

It is 7am @ titiwangsa lake =D

Yesh, awoke @ 5.45am =.=
And it is my skul marathon day

All chong hwa student. LOL x)

Cam whore while all of them was doin aerobic
hahahaa! =P

Okay, my look was like deep slumber x.x

Wait wait wait ... till 8am++ juz started 
My target : x top 10 but nid get a sijil kelayakan. =)

Wheeeeeeee! I did it finally. *thumb up ^^

After the run,

Whooossss! Many sweat + face kinda red ><

Heeeee, meet dis arrow while otw to toilet =P

2 and da half hour, idk wad we did der ==
Juz noe it is kinda kinda hot @.@
Beh tahan!

But @least giv us food n drink. LOL!

It was getting hotter by the min.
So every1 started 2 take out their umbrellas!
Then it was the lucky draw ceremony.

My clever's idea here. =P

x much to say. Imma becum more black again
Sad! TT ~

But i like the day, cos x nid go skul

After the event, we went wwm for eclipse <3
Teeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeee! I wait it so long =(
Edward Edward Edward! =D

Really a DAMN NICE movie!!!
i'm looking forward to watch breaking dawn
Cant wait for it xD

Afta the movie, we went bowling.
Sambil wait my mum cum fetch me go home =D

Cam whore again in bowling x)

opsssssssss x)

The big family ;D

LOL! always us! =)

bleuk =P

Heavy heavy ~~~ x.x

acting ugly once again ~

teman yi went buy reload card.
she wanna msg her boy boy x)

Dis is wad a dou gei call ^^


I love those picha much! <3

Received a call from mum =(.
She reached. gtg. sigh

Damn tired! But x sleep when bak.
Continue my movie. hohoho.

Night, went tuition again as usual.
Noe wad?! we wallked to petronas.
Many accident was happen otw =(

And it is my 1st time too.
Hmm, get hurt btw TT

Dat my day here. =D
Imma really hapii today.
Thk all for being my day full of hapiness


Wheeeeeeeeeeee! <3

I feel sweet while gether wid you
 Kena diabetes soon x)

Haaaaaa~ thk for da kiss ^^
<3 you. ^^

~TH3 3ND~

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