
Monday 5 July 2010

Hari Sivik 's 10


SMJK Chong Hwa's Hari Carnival + Hari report card x.x

Kar hao gor and me! haha.

Ah beng and me =P

Lih Jing and me x) ( act cute - ing ) LOL!

My look on dat day~ @.@

Jc and me~ lalala

Yea, awoke at 5.30am =S
Mum fetch me go Kwan Lynn's house.

3S's menu! wheeeeeee ^^ ( so NICE! )

Drew by hui yi! <3

All are busying to prepare the stalk

But me =P ... was standing there dunno wad to do ==

Yesh! Our egg~ Look yummy but more yummy when u eat!
Trust me! ( My sis ate 3 biji once time ) =P

Look~ all so guna hati =P

Haha! Promoted =P

Finally our stalk is DONE! lalala

Oh ya! Dat morning was raining, Felt cold x.x

Hari Sivik was started! wheeeeeeeee =D

Hhahahaa~ I'm a pasar girl dat day x)
Keep asking those ppls to buy my eggs ^^

Lient Yue baby and Me =)

Hui Li leng luiii and me =)

Wad am I doin der? x) ... Yesh! I'm catching fish =)
RM1 oni~ And I catched 12 ekor! whoooo!
*Thumb up =D

4 of us~ ^^

Always acting ugly wid van van xD

Eating chocalate wid qi hoong~ haha.

Looks! My fish =)

YY and me ~ (Finally had a picha wid you =X )

Jason and yan ^^

Poi wei and Pui yan x)

While waiting my mum cum and took report card

Nicholas and me ( his look == )

Hui yi mummy and me xD

Yeash! 12.00pm, our food are sold out!
is SOLD OUT all =)))))

Counting the coupon, total up was RM1300+++
How pro is 3S! Congratz =D

Always 38 ><

Finally mum reached. 30/39 in class
Actually I told her last week dy. If x xD Sure die

Everythings be okay. =P
Not much complain form teacher. Juz said imma talkertive
Hey, it is OPY maa. cant change always ^^

Last, lucky draw was on. But x me =X
Sigh xD

All back @ 12.30pm, but I back @ 1pm
Bcos of duty =( ... But it was FUN!

Hapii to saw them back. ;D

~TH3 3ND~

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