
Tuesday 31 August 2010


Today is 31 August! Yes! ( LOL! Who dunno? -.- )
Let say MERDEKA and sing Jalur Gemilang :D

Seriously bored at home!
And now are raining. wth! cant watch astro summore =(

Ewwwwwww! everyone are rocking Genting.
And imma rocking my bed now! x)

No celebration at all for me.
Just ... I like holiday! =D
Merdeka! SO WHAT?! =P


Anyways, hapii bufday M'sia. U're 53 now!
Old liao laa x) ... But we always love you! <3
Gan dong maa?! xD

Fall in love with lee hom now!
Repeat repeat repeat listening his song. =D

~TH3 3ND~

Monday 30 August 2010


LOOK!!! =D

I love it so much. hahaha!
I means d calculater and my name x)
Thk pau pau!  And also myself! 

Okay. Those stupid cats
make me shouted like gila babi 3 time in a day.

WT... ><'''
Seriously I scare of it! Plz go far from me.
Hate you! @.@

The cat maked me go late for my tuition class.

Kem senyup x)

Drew by poi wei but coloured by OPY! :)
Wheeeeee! <3

Pelantih lulus : OPY! =D

So now! I'm one of the PP.
x more pelantih ^^

And last, went seminar ytd.

10am - 6pm.
Yea, let count how many hour. x(

But actually is much more better den skul.
becos got aircone and lolipop and eclipse accompany me.


~TH3 3ND~

Friday 27 August 2010

Say byeii to trail =P

1 week's trail had gone~ wheeeeeeee! =D
Hard to describe my feeling now. hahaha!
Oh plz, dun remind me d word of PMR.
Just enjoy the time leave =)

August 21 - Emelyne's bufday

Yea, celebrated wid her @ pandan perdana lake club.

Forgoten to capture those present :X

Nvm ba, hapii belated bufday! haha.
=D <3 you!

Lately, fall in love wid eclipse! =D
Kinda nice. Betray lolipop! oh my~ =(

My maths paper x)
Wrote by daddy and brodaa XD
Crystal : Q31 also wrong a! =P

Canada: saya bukan budak tetapi remaja! x)

Thk you =) <3


Just received a call from Kamal Jit.
No attending skul today, becos of her grandma juz pass away.
She cried.
I'm sorry for heard dat~ =(

突然有一些感触。人 真的很难预料
所以 要好好珍惜现在所有的一切。=)
要做什么就去做 只要没有遗憾。

我只能说 节哀顺便。对不起 我不会安慰人 :X

~TH3 3ND~

Thursday 26 August 2010

Last day :)

Wheeeeeeeee! It is last day for trail.
SO WHAT?! PMR are still around da cornea.

At least can relax and x dat nervous.
2 week holiday! woow! i'm waiting. lalalalalla =D

Hmm, today. GEO vs KH!
I love geo more den kh x) it is true
I hate KH, especially those account things.
Make me headache. I'm x goin to study it! =)

BM! knew my result. x)
71/100 ~ x A! wt... ><
But great wid i scored 78% for my karangan.

Oh yes! I can search internet using my phone without $$$
Thk you pau pau and hui yi! Really thk you <3
You save my money. xD

Continue my reading ... ... ... x(

~TH3 3ND~

Saturday 21 August 2010


Just some update =)

Yea, 18 august was daddy's bufday =D

A card for he but x present =(
no time to buy cos having trial.
Will give he asap. ^^

p/s : I think he will like the 'picha' inside x) more den d card

Last sunday's video =P

Mum told me, today is my 农历生日
Get shock! hahaha!

O_O!!! =P

Btw, today is my cousin sis's bufday too!
Hapii bufday emelyn =D
See you tonite!
Got a small celebration wid her ^^

After lunch, will start K book again.
Science, MM, KH, GEO, SEJ

Terus faint! Seriously. GOSH!

Anyways, GERMAN TEH!
He is watching movie wid lee hom now!

=( =( =( ~ Arghh!! Jealous a!
搞到我心里不平衡。 ><'''

Hang fuk sei laa he! LEE HOM!!!!!!
OMG! x((((  ;_;

Many movie I wanna watch in cinema! But ...
Almost all are pg18 -.-
And also, trial make me cant watch =(



~TH3 3ND~

Thursday 19 August 2010


Wheeeeeeeeeee! Trial is ing. 2 days over. 2 subjects over =)

4 more days to go and 6 more subjects to go! =D

Just enjoy the exam ^^


Okay! Gtg. Byeii ~ LMAO x)

Persatuan Bahasa Cina's MP tomorrow.

~TH3 3ND~

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Is start.

PMR Trial official start today.
7 days to go!
Gud luck everyone.


OPY!!! x fb anymore till the exam end!

The meaning of STUDY x)

S. Sleeping
T. Talking
U. Unlimited sms
D. Dreaming
Y. Yaani mast life

Exams are like GIRL FRIENDS

1 Too Many Questions.
2 Difficult to Understand.
3 More Explanation is Needed.
4 Result is always FAIL!


Lastly, wanna say THK YOU to all my dude for wishing me. =)
Wheeeeeeeeeeee <3


Call me KANADA ONG! =P

Earlier wish to my beloved daddy :

Hapii bufday ! =)
All the best and ILY ^^ <3

~TH3 3ND~

Monday 16 August 2010

Group study.

awoke @ 8am, after bath, meet karmen n daniel
We went KFC. Ching Pau join us too

10am start our revision =D

11am, i feel hungry x)


After xDD

woots! nice betul =)

Continue ...

We study science and sejarah =P

Daniel's love letter for her girl girl!
OMG! seriously so gao xiu -.-
We laugh non stop after read d letter


Some acident happend >.<
Tomato is on my shirt! @.@

12.30 ... went to hong yuan's house ^^

We had our geo's seminar @ 2pm
So nid to go earlier for book seat x)

Meet all of them,  we walked to der =P
1pm reached xDD

lalalala. x)

Ching pau was teaching me science =D

I love the day. without any reason.
Altought 10am started to study till 5.30pm

Trial examz 2moro. hahaha! ==
No comment!

~TH3 3ND~