
Wednesday 11 August 2010

Bak to my life.

Study mode. =X

Everyday study study study. =)


Went seminar @ 10am. the day after my bufday
Slept @ 3am and awoke @ 8 am -.-
Imagine how sleepy am I on the day.

MM's seminar 1st round. ><
Kepala pening~

Tahan till 12pm, recess time for 1 hour.
Went lunch wid tuition's gang =P

Pau pau's wan tan mee. Hohoho!
See how big size is it x)
3 biji mee inside. Greedy laa he =P
Dai sei xD

1pm, KH's seminar started.
Yesh! Finally I slept in class x.x

@.@ ~ >.<

Beh tahan till nid lolipop =P
Ate 4 lolipop to tahan finish the seminar.

Luckly got YOU x) <3 lolipop! =D

3pm, home sweet home.
On9 and did all my things. =)


It was our 1st round show time
Reached skul @ 6.30am
Morning class mood xD

Everythings is okay. ^^
Had fun and cried badly till headache =P
Too gam dong.

2nd round will be @ dis friday - 13.08
Heard dat all tickets had been sold out!
Woots! <3 Great job =)

Next tuesday - sivik exam will be on.

GOSH! too sudden ><''

Oh ya, my hp been rampas by my mum ytd nite!

Pissed off! >.<
Seriously. ~!!!


Really TMD she! ==

Haha! Wanna join the competition of kempen senyum
Picha picha picha! Too many till I blur x)
Dunno which 1 should I choose for.
Any idea?

And it is JULY of madarin x)
I would like to sleep b4 12am everyday if i could.

~TH3 3ND~

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