
Saturday 14 August 2010


Lolipops from lovely leslie gor gor =D
Thk you! <3 I like you! ^^

Sha po but cute! LMAO! =p

A late present from van! yea. I love smile =)
Thk! =D

Okay! Trail examz, 2 days leave. Fine! I studied.
But ... still kena scold by my mum everyday.
Seriously, i hate the feels right now.
Kinda beh song! pek cek too.

Sumtime, i hope i can cry loudly
As loud as i could.

Many unlucky things happend to me lately.
Bla bla bla!

Idk wad should i do. Idk really dunno

She scolded me. =(
Sad! cant you juz listen to me?
You dun understand me. Kinda not!

PMR are juz so important?!!! Important den enjoy da life?
I dun think so but you did!
I used 2-3 hours study everyday. I do!
After dat, i juz hope i can do my own things dat i like
But?!  x.x

No msg No fb! ... wtv.

Okay! Fine. I dun care.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla. is repeating on my mind.

Ur sound. Scary!


 I dunno wad would happen again after today.
Maybe ... it will be ... =X

I will be hapii everyday =)
Promised myself. I freaking dun like emo.

Opy are still the OPY.

Every bad things will juz over wid the time.


1st month wid dear <3
I hope next time will be 1 year ^^


I love lolipop all the time =P

~TH3 3ND~

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