
Monday 9 August 2010

OPY's sweet fifteen =D

Finally have some time to let me update my blog.

Let the picha do talking =)

5.8.10 ` went carrefour =D
Buy those BBQ things and so on.

Full x) ... Total cost RM327.80

7.8.10 =)

Replacement skul -.-!
Fine! I dy accept the true.
On my fb, saw everyone wish ^^ <3
Thk you ya!

Arrived skul :

Received a cake from Kay hao gor gor ^^

Recess time , camwhore inside, xD

Everyone like da cake! hoho =P
Chocolate ^^ ~

好不容易挨到放学 x)
otw bak home.

Ching pau they all took taxi. behind us =P

While the car reached my house, guess who I saw?

Firstly I tought it was wai chun.
But look properly, OMG!!! O.O!!!
It were ... Leslie and JK!


Get surprise. Really shock sei me!
Almost shout out in da car while saw them. =P

Quicly bath and washed my hair.
Everyone were arrive =(
Sry guy, let you wait so long~

7.30pm ~ Start the party! ^^

I was kinda busy on dat day. Seriously.
So sry if I cant serve you prefectly.

Everybody were juz calling my name? ==
Wanna fak mang zang jor laa!

Too many ppls! xDD

At last, all pergi taman main ' nite game '

Not really scare but still scare ><'''

Teeeheeeee! I like dis 2 picha much <3

10pm - is time to cut the cake =)

Chocolate cake + ice cream ^^

Many lauguage's bufday song were sang by them
Hahaha! Thk you =)

Picha time ^^

Yea! we are 1 family xD

All pro camera man x)

Tuition gang here x)
Yammmmmmmmmmmm Seng! =p

Tuition gang ^^

2M gang x)

Rojak gang x)

Form 5 gang ^^

Sek5 gang x)

camp's gang +)

Church gang x)

Kid's gang ^^

While cuting the cake, all of them were busying prepare game =P
But at last, we fail to play it TT
Awwwww! We miss the fun =(((

Thk you ^^

The cakes were delicious? ><'''
I miss it again x.x ~
Ice cream cake!!! sigh!

They graduall, many ppls were bak =(
She bu de Jackie waa =P
So early jiu go bak liao ~ LOL!


Played the sushi game wid those F5 gang ! =)
It is great! Drank beer at last x)

Many food were leave.
So those ppls are cleaning the food x)


Finally I get turn to bbq myself =P

8.8.10 morning x)

~TH3 3ND~

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