
Friday 27 August 2010

Say byeii to trail =P

1 week's trail had gone~ wheeeeeeee! =D
Hard to describe my feeling now. hahaha!
Oh plz, dun remind me d word of PMR.
Just enjoy the time leave =)

August 21 - Emelyne's bufday

Yea, celebrated wid her @ pandan perdana lake club.

Forgoten to capture those present :X

Nvm ba, hapii belated bufday! haha.
=D <3 you!

Lately, fall in love wid eclipse! =D
Kinda nice. Betray lolipop! oh my~ =(

My maths paper x)
Wrote by daddy and brodaa XD
Crystal : Q31 also wrong a! =P

Canada: saya bukan budak tetapi remaja! x)

Thk you =) <3


Just received a call from Kamal Jit.
No attending skul today, becos of her grandma juz pass away.
She cried.
I'm sorry for heard dat~ =(

突然有一些感触。人 真的很难预料
所以 要好好珍惜现在所有的一切。=)
要做什么就去做 只要没有遗憾。

我只能说 节哀顺便。对不起 我不会安慰人 :X

~TH3 3ND~

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