
Wednesday 4 August 2010

Jumpa doctor ;(

Ear bleeding blood while came back from skul -.-
The main reason i really dunno.
Juz shock me! x)

Okay fine. Juz dun care it till finished my dinner
No one know. =)

Suddenly, seem like my mum realize sumthings.
She keep on asking me wer the blood cum from on da tissue.
Sigh! let tell her the true ><

And she looked worries. OMG!
Doctor, imma cuming x.x
How long din I meet the doctor? 3 years?

Fine. Many people were der @.@
While waiting, you know wad happened?

A small kid run here run der. non-stop
Tak ape! Run run run, suddenly muntah infront of me!
I was like ... WTF ==

GOSH! and his mum was like act dunno everythings.
Hello, saya nak sorry kay?!
Dis is how a malay be. ><

Babi betul!

Fine! Is my turn x(

Sudah macam ni besar a opy. -.-
Saya makan nasi punya laa. =P

Apa hal?
Adui, mesti sakit baru datang jumpa maa. -.-

Talk talk talk ~

Conclusion : awak punya telinga sangat kecil
x boleh guna 棉花棒 untuk gorek.
Mesti nak beli baby punya.

... @.@ O.O!!! ...


Got luka inside my ear. So had to put ubat inside.
WALAO! The most afraid thing is dis.
Really scare of it

3 time per day.
And everytime will feel very super duper pain.
... TT ... ;_;

HELP!!! =(

Feel so unconfortable after put the ubat.
I was like ... cant listen well wad u're talkin bout

Really hope can recover b4 my bufday party. =D
Pray GOD!

Anyways, 3 day more =D


You make me disappointed =(

~TH3 3ND~

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