
Monday 15 November 2010

The tired saturday.

Went titiwangsa for kadet's activity.
Goin to join a kawad competition @ december 22.
So well, formasi is already settle.

Still the same, ran ran ran, kawad kawad kawad, senaman ...
HOW TIRED!!! Cant even spoke out with da feelings.
Seriously.   生不如死的感觉 要我命。

Thk fern's daddy for fetching me to MCD.
And the drink. haha!
Mum came and fetch us to Jusco for lunch and shopping.
After bath ...
 Always bear bear ... becos i love them <3

 The super duper big birthday card.
Wanna buy but failed. mum x allow -.-
RM22.90 per card. GOSH!

 Had our lunch @ Old Town.
Laksaaaaa! My favorite =)

 Mum was choosing baby's shirt for my little brodaa?
LMAO! When i have a little brodaa? :P

They were busying choose, and i was busying cam-whore =)


 It look pretty but scary too. dunno why.
I just gotta feelings ...

 @ jusco :)

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