
Thursday 26 July 2012

Go On.

I'm always the cheerful one :)

Finally got my BEATS ! :D
Thanks to my brother for this early birthday present!
Teeeeheeee I love him so muchhh and alwaysssss ^_^

Everyone is busy checking this "MAAF" and "TANIAH" !
And my FATTY BOOM BOOM had involved ^_^

This is mine one. Hmmmmmm!
Still waiting the 2nd round @ September only confirm it.
So I don't have any feelings now. HAHA!

Sharp 4 more weeks to goooooo!

ARGHHHHHHHHH! STRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Biology Seminar.

 Attended Mr Jay biology seminar @ MAHSA University last weekend.
RM90 included transport for 8 hours.
Only form 4 chapters ! It killed me :l

Quite lots Chong Hwa's students went ! :D

Oh yea before we depart, we had our breakfast @ MCD !

The hall we used for the 1st section !

This is our awesome MR JAY Biology teacher ! ^_^

 Chapter 1 - 6 had done @ 1st section.
Then we had our lunch timeee for 1 hour.

Walked out to the KFC nearby the MAHSA UC.

Damn crowded ! -.- Until no place to sit. Hmmmmm!

Queue so longgggg too! Thanks Jessie for helping us ordered.

Breakfast MCD Lunch KFC ! :D #fat

Section 2 was having @ outdoor. All about essay part.

 DAMN EXHAUSTED after lunch. Idk whyyyyy! :(

Btw , I learnt more about biology as you know I never study at home.

I wish I could attend the form 5 seminar but I can't :(

Around 6pm only home sweet home !

Love this sunday because I had studied ! :P



Tuesday 24 July 2012

Taman Pertanian 1D trip.

Joined MIF church to Skytrex @ Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam
  1 day trip.

Our 'partners' of the day! :P

Here are the one of the most challenging activity in klang valley.

 RM3 for the entrance fee per person ya.

There are 3 courses available with different difficulties and prices:
  • Little Adventure @RM35.00/pax - Difficulty: Very Easy
  • Big Thrill @RM45.00/pax - Difficulty: Medium
  • Extreme Challenge @RM50.00/pax - Difficulty: Very Hard

 We choose the 2nd one.

Sportswear on that day :) #mustbe

Before joining this activity, wear a good pair of shoes!

Bus shuttle is provided to get you there without any additional charges.

We are getting excited ! :3

 Inside are big. But we only went one part of it. 
I want cycle actually :( But timing problem so nevermind :)

I'm really proud of them with there courage. And of course myself too :P

When you reach the Skytrex location, there is a guide on what you should be doing next. 

22meter high ! What a big challenge in my life for the 1st time.

 We took 3 hours plus to finish it. Because we had 19 people in a group.
Lesson Leant : Next time max 6 people are enough ._.
Wasted lots of time inside.

Felt very hungry and thirsty after finished the game.
Total 36 checkpoints ! But I feel proud and happy.
My STAMINA let me did it! :D

 Sky Climb, Wobble Trouble, Sky Rise, Crazy Zig Zag, Creepy Sky    
Crawl (flying fox), Thrilling Trunk, The Quake  .....

We did all these. 
But too bad I'm not awesome until can bring my camera along.
So I had left it @ locker. 
More photos please wait @ facebook :)

#Great day w you guys ! ^_^

xoxo !