
Monday 2 July 2012

Parent's Day !

We had our parent's day at last satuday.
School also state as OPEN SCHOOL day !
5S2 had performance on that day :) SINGING LALALALALALA!

Btw the physic experiment we participated had lose =.-
The 2nd prize won by 5S2 T-T !

The LEMON BATTERY ! HAIHHHHHH But at least we successful :)

Walking around and bought some foods w Jess and Dong ! :)

S1 going to performance FASHION SHOW ! Huuhuuuuuu!
So many handsome and pretty that day! :D

Betray's members ! :3

10am , had our performance soon.

这就是所谓的“路人甲” ? o.o

The musicians.

The singers ! :P

Sang 3 songs in different languages. 
Satu Malaysia , 分享 , Never Had A Dream Come True :)

3 of us kept walking around ... just for fun XD

Photographer of the day! MACAM YES ONLY :P


Waiting our parents to come ...

The KEPO oneeeeee :P

Only got 2Asssss for the exam. WTF ! 
Yes this is a student who never study at home. 

I should change my life. SAVE TIME ! STUDY !
Gonna deactivate my account soon !


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