
Wednesday 23 February 2011

21.2.11 - after tuition

Sat van's dad's car to mydin after tuition with them.
Always and always .
Started to knew her more nowadays ;)

 4 of us went mydin . for shopping? hahaha!

 see this 2 aunty laa . haiyo! :P

 failed to capture van :(

 nahhhh! this aunty dropped those stuff @ the cupboard.
very aloud !

 ping ping pang pang ! spoiled le . oppssss!

 Daniel following us too . be our camera man.

 weird doink ! ==

 very scary lor itu daniel yong! ._.

 snack food ! :D

 Karmen also wear this shirt one . aikkkssss!

 hehehehe! but she don't mind . still want bleuk ! 

 Aries ong are queuing for pay all stuff.
sangat rich ohhh!

 you see you see :P

 omgeeeee @.@

 Random take 1 !

 take 2 !

 take 3 !

 take 4 !

 take 5 !

 take 6 ! dang dang . hahahahaha! so happy a?! 

 gtg ...

 the boy boy . dunno whose 's anak lai d x)

 waiting my mum + camwhore =)

 4 of us take 1 !

 take 2 !

 take 3 !

 he very tall liao aaaaaaaaaaaaa! wth @.@ TT

 dumb dumb ! =S

 hahaha! she soooo cute!

 stupid -___-

 very ugly aaaaaaa!

 yay! COPY.

 Just bought a new O.K earrings ;D



 And smile . hahaha! he always wear it . becos his dear dear gave one.

 superman ! 

 da xiao jie waiting ppl buy drink :P

hahahah! a simple post here . just wanna upload those pichas
and update my blog only.

HEEEEEEEEEE! stay turned.

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