
Monday 21 February 2011

life goes on.

After all the sad times , my life still goes on with my happiness.

19.2.10 Saturday Night.

Daddy dated his friends @ a restaurant name Pandan Lake Club.
Had thai food @ there . actually we seldom go there.
My new hairband :P

 Many ppl there . dunno why . always and always. lmao

And the moon @ that night was very round and bright.

20.2.11 - Sunday

Another fun day for me . went lunch @ setapak.

Wanna go for a movie again . 
I wanna watch all the moviesss!

The look of the day.

Gila gila like that . I x miss he again ! bluffing you xD

Waaaa leng luii lor .

 Waaaa leng zaii lor ! :P

HAHAHAHA! Yesh . watch this movie.
Hmmmph .. quite boring . Not that funny.
Prefer I love HK laaa .

School again ! sighhhh . Havent done my hw at allllllllll !
Arghhh! Pek Cek one lor !

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