
Saturday 6 March 2010

0603 - Titiwangsa

剩下的 都不是最完美的。
只好放弃所有 最好的选择。对么?


7am woke up from my bed~! ( if not floor? -.- )
Went to karman's house.
Den titiwangsa was next =)

Small rain when going der~ luckly not heavy rain
Many new juniours were cuming too.
Should said, seniours is lesser den juniours

A great news here, I run-ed 4 round today non-stop
lalalala ...  I did it =DDD
Hapiiiii - ing ~ LOL!

Kawad kawad kawad.
Damn hot~! And I'm black now~~~~~
Walao ... bak home saw my face.

Who the black black in the mirror?
Yea, dat OPY ==
... TT

I hate sunburn. SERIOUSLY

10am, find ching pau, sook hui n jia yin
Accompany them to MCD.

P/s : THK ching pau for belanja me MCD total RM8.25

Kinda banyak orang-nya.
Now malaysian like MCD as their breakfast.
So sihat man``` * fatty =p

Blow water wid them till 12.30pm =X
2 an the half hour at der.
Called mum fetch me bak - home sweet home.

Watch new moon FINALLY~! Yay ^^

Edward~! Forever Love. =D

Semua orang sudah started doing their revison
Leave me :(

Isn't it?

I wont care anythings bout you. x)

~TH3 3ND~

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