
Sunday 7 March 2010


0603 nite
I had thai foods as my dinner again x(
Wad a suck thing for me

Almost everyweek I sure will had it. GOSH
My dad are really love it so muchhie



Went petaling jaya for our lunch.
Hokkien's foods~
1st time went der is becos of the 阿贤 movie
Kinda many ppls der
Wait almost 1 hour for the place to sit only


After lunch, went mid valley~
Wanna watch movie but we din x(
Becos of XXX ~ >.<
Went 婚纱展览~ awhx~! I love it <3
So beautiful man`` @.@

I terkutip a thing at floor.
Longan? maybe.

LOL! stupid me =X


Magic magic~ =D
See properly ya~  XD

Tomorrow skul again =X

~TH3 3ND~

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