
Friday 5 March 2010


I love you but don't know what to do.
LOL! Can anyone tell me wad does means?



Okay ppls, nth special in skul today =)
Lately always blow water wid 3S ppls? xD

After resess, no class at all till finish skul
We did " kata kidmat " 's poster
Wheeee`` I love it so muchhhii

So CREATIVE larx my group =DDDD

Ehem, the most important point is here.

Break again when tuition-ing =X

Stupid Daniel Yong Tze Wai~!!!!!!!!!!!
I really HATE you so muchhhhhhhh den I can say
Dun like you dun like you dun like you

Everytime jz noe to break my things~ x(
Angry~~ MAD ><


Walao A~! Really no comment while you broke it
Gonna punch you wa~!!!!!
But lastly, I din't  =X

补习就补习啦 手那么多干嘛

Really kinda beh song lorhx~ xoxo



No went Milky Green but went 学联面试 xDxD
So gan jiong dat time x)  * 1st time interview wor


Hafal all the note at whiteboard. gosh
Answer all those answer dat queit stupid?


Result will cum out after holiday.
Hope dat it is a gud news larx =D

我对自己很有信心。 (=

Peribahasa quis at BM perioud
11/20  =p

Heavy rain in the afternoon. Kinda cold x.x

KRS activity tomoro at Titiwangsa.

~TH3 3ND~

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