
Thursday 4 March 2010



Went sukan tara in the early morning.
But still late dy~ 11.11am =p

Stepped into skul havent reached 1 minit.
Kena tangkap ke guru disiplin dy
WTF? ~!

Hate TAN MEE GUAT ( spelling wrong? )
LOL! I'm x interest wid her name.

Really so hak zaii dat day~
She still dare ask me, 你知道我为什么捉你么?
I answer : 因为我美过你。

假装听不到? 因为这是事实。

你错了,剪了后 我还是一样会美过你 xDxD

x brain at all = stupid =X

Waseh, really beh song at dat time
Luckly not much different after cutted.
If not, hohohoho 看我诅咒你么

From start now, gonna pin up my hair =(
I noe it was ugly. But, it a safe way
So, who cares? =D



Blow water in class.  * wheeee x)
Nth special actually.

Hapiiiii bufday to 阿哲~!!!
Although you cry, but you stilll so leng zaii =p

离开海螺,或许会更好呢? =)  *cheer up

When tuition, MM chapter 6
Wad expand ... -.-~

Rmb-ed last time balik kampung, jacky sudah teached me
But, great~! I had forgoten all formula @.@
Blur sangat~

Tak faham apa cikgu cakap.
Sudah nak pengsan soon  * seriously

Den you noe wad, Jacky send all da formula to me melalui sms
So longggggg man`` See still me nak pengsan terus @.@

Den he send me sms n explain all of it.

So gud ppl larx he~! =))))
Proud to have you dis bro~! lalalalalala =D

Love he soooooooooo much nuuuuu~
U're the best~ =p

Altough at last, I still dunno wad he saying ==
I'm stupid actually~ =X


I will start my revision next week

Sej : form1 n form2 all + form3 chapter 1-3

~TH3 3ND~

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