
Tuesday 16 March 2010

Revision =X

I nid HELP~!!!

Anyone tell me how can I concentrate in my STUDY?

Feel asleep when seeing those rubish books


I use 4 hours to seeing those books
2% in my brain right now
Yea, jz 2% ==

And ...

2moro BBQ whole day
Thursday maybe Min Xi will cum find me
Friday - Saturday go PD dy
Sunday will go subang visit my cousin

Yea, jz leave today for me to do my revision
And wads goin on? IDK =X

Anyways, my hw is complited =DDD
* winks

P/s : I'm sick again  =((

WTF~! @.@

Ytd went tuition, no sound at all =X
My sexy sound =(

Keep coughing at class -.-
Pai seh nya~~~~~

Thk for all ppls caring xD  * touch <3

Anyways, I will continue my revision after dinner.
I wanna score straight A in my PMR
Sudah promised SUMBODY x)

I will do it~! Dun worry +)

我的精神柱子。Cant live without them =))

Ahaha ;) * She is mine =p

Gambathe Ong Mou Mou.
I noe you can do it~

She will support you x)
Yea, she will

Life is suck without happiness
Dont you agree? =D

~TH3 3ND~

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