
Thursday 11 March 2010

I'm waiting for you

Woohoo, SPM result today~ =X
Gud luck to everyone who form 5 last year
Especially YOU ya. =D


Holidayssss is cuming wa``~!!!
Hahahahahahahhaa. Say YAY~! =)
I'm really hapiii wid it ^^v


Have BBQ at JC's house on wednesday
Have to go TS for movie on maybe friday?
Have to go 舞台剧 :白雪公主 on saturday (maybe)
And also need 排戏 in dis holidaysss.

Still wanna do my revision lar. =(

I'M kinda BUSY ~ =x

Oh yes~! A gud news here =))))

Camp camp camp x)
I WILL GO~ yea, I will ~ lalalaalaalla

My internet is having problem right now
Lag lag lag. Slow slow slow
Damn it. ><

Congratz :

- Terbersih class minggu ini : 3S =DD
wiii wiiiit~ x)

- I'm the lowest mark for science in intervensi =)

Lately, afternoon class had came two leng luii teachers.
Many student went pejabat kapp luii
Of cos included ME x)

Waseh, really leng luii nehx~!!! =)
Eyes so bigggg ~

Those x brain guys always like to do x brain things

老师电话 老师地址 老师fb 老师msn 
swt -.-~

Btw, if you get it rmb giv me once ya xDxD

如果老师教我 我一定会准时交功课。

KH ... terus faint *seriously
I hate 锯木 badly~ x(((
Arghhhhhh`` @.@

Luckly everythings is okay.
Thk GOD~ =)

~TH3 3ND~

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