
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Famine 30 hours!

As you guys know , I went FAMINE 30 hours DIY camp last weekend.
Yay now is the time to post bout it! :D
Not that amazing actually but also not that bored. 50% 50% !

Went to Wangsa Maju LRT @ before 7am. 
I waited in my car until I met VAN! HAHA :P
Saw many peeps! All of them are goin too. A BIG GANG of Chong Hwa!

KTM! The 1st time I took KTM ohhhhhh!
I seriously dunno how KTM look like . LOL!
Got special for GIRLS one ohhhhh! YENG!

So we went into girl's one! ALL GIRLS! (Y)
Without boys , felt so NICE! :D

We used 2++ hours to reach Serdang. GOSH wasting all the times.

Btw , I had bread as my breakfast only! ULALA!

Finally reached SERDANG! @.@ Saw them :) 
Raining heavily. LMAO! 

Whole body get wet! Hair , Face , Bag, Hand even SHOES! -.-
Everybody! Included me ! Macam di genting highlands!
Very cold and winds keep blow heavily!

Waited almost 30mins for the bus reached and bring us to the shopping.
South City Plaza , It's our camp's place!

Jessie and Xmiin reached earlier than us . 
10 peeps in a group only! So we had many discussion =(
Too bad cant same group with some of them! SIGH!

Daniel, Jessie ,Like See, London, Aries, Mandy, Van, Jash, Xmiin and me.
10 peeps in a same group.
4 of them were be late, there reached there @ 7pm -.-
So just 6 of us in a group in the whole afternoon.

Very excited! ;P 

Many people joining this camp. Almost 1200 !

This is our group! 18B = 死 BABI! :P

Dang Dang! Call me Crystal :)

Waiting opening ceremony. 

The pengerusi of this CAMP! Leng zaii ohhhh! x)


A simple open ceremony and performance in the morning.
Danced and shouted with them. And cam-whored! :)

We are from CHONG HWA! :P

No bath in the 2 days! Ewwwwwwwwwww! -.-
Actually I don't fell like bringing toothbrush too.
HAHA but I bring at last laaaaa :P

Group activities and got ceramah in the afternoon. LOL!
Idk what's goin on. We not listening at all =/

Planking fever @ everywhere! (L)

Played a 'BIG' game . WOW NOT BAD! The game really AWESOME!
HAHAHA! We kept run run run and laugh laugh laugh!
Love it so much! :D

Singing SHOW at the night.
LOL most of them I dunno one . SAD CASE!
Mana LEE HOM ? :P





Here are those singer that attended :)

Camwhored with friends while waiting them to get sign @ the stage with the stars.

Hui Li :)

Hubby :)

Jash :)

Nelson :)

Jessie :)

Daniel :)

Qi Hoong :)

Like see :)

Aries Ong :)

I kept countdown ! HAHAHAHA
Very hungry aaaaa! Beh Tahan liao! Kept drank soya.

But at last we DID it right ? *winks!

What we did in the 2nd day ? Movie , Played some group's game,
Sharing feelings, cam-whore of cause!
Quite bored in the 2nd day.

We used to sleep while the movie time was ON!

Ohhh still got dancing performance!

After 30 hours ... ;P


解饥餐! No nice one =S But still ate! Because too hungry.

Conclusion of this camp : I felt so PROUD! HAHAHAHA!
SO AWESOME! I will join it again NEXT YEAR! Wait me :D

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