
Thursday 25 August 2011

My lucky day.

Today is my lucky day. Why say so ? HOHOHOHOHOHO!
You know's what ? A nurse from our school went into my class and called my name. I was shocked and dunno what's goin on at all.
Asked the nurse and she said I need to ' TAMBAH GIGI!'

WTHHHHHHH! ._____.

I never know what's the mean of 'TAMBAH GIGI' firstly.
Someone tell me I need to 补牙 ! WASEH!
In the 16 years ago , the 1st time I facing this problem!

I was scare like ... NOBODY KNOW THE FEELINGS! =(
Awwwwww! Very afraid and nervous. 
Praying to GOD all the times . Bless me @.@

HAHAHAHHA! So when was my turn, I opened up my mouth with a shaking body =/
The dentist use the thing to check my teeth, about 2 mins ago...
You know what the dentist said ? 

' Kamu nak tambah gigi ? '
' TAK NAK!!!'
'Kamu mesti rajin gosok gigi'
Then she use a thing to point on my teeth.
She call me brush my teeth , Especially the teeth she was pointing now.
Surely I said YES YES YES !!

Waseh! My heart almost come out @.@

VERY VERY HAPPY ohhhhhhhhh! :P


Had performances in my school today, for sambut HARI KEMERDEKAAN.
Not bad! The drama! Love it so much :D (Y)

I smiled :)


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