
Monday 7 June 2010

1st day of holidaysss

Our 1st day of holidayssss! wheeeeee =)

Okay~ Let talk about my passed weekend x)

Saturday :

- Hmm ... Almost I 4got TT

Oh yaa! Went to PJ for my lunch
Had durian toooooo x)

Night, went to Subang 4 dinner wid cousin

Here sum cam whore xDxD

Okay! Dat all for my saturday ^^

Sunday :

- Early morning, received mou mou's call
P/s : Juz awake after 5 min

Guess wad he did? xD

He played a song for me through piano x)
Da song name was : My heart will go on <3
So ... ... ... ... LAM? =DDD

I get suprise anyway! =)
Thk for all u did to me ^^

Afternoon, a police parked his big big lorry beside my house
I was like O.O /...??? WHAT wrong huh?
Dad went out and see wad happen x)

You noe wad? =.=

Dad said dat he will moved into beside our house~.~
Means ... beside my house was a POLICE?

x bad x bad! Got a police neighbour xD
Shock laaaaa wei ~

Went tuition too altought it is holiday x.x
Admit dat, imma really really really LAZY! =(
But, bo bian too! sigh D=

Saw wad dat? A lalat inside da siew mai =S
Suck man`` @.@

Night, went to Cheras wid Popo and Yeye for dinner.

So lucky! We saw fireworks x)  ~ *winks !

My webcam !!! TT

Dunno wad wrong wid it! Suddenly spoilt =((
WTF! ><'''

No more webcam pulak! really TMD!

~TH3 3ND~

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