
Friday 25 June 2010

Get hurt Dx

Went to skul as usual. And suddenly dunno who's idea x)

Finally ~!!! x)

Ouchhhhhh! So pain!!! =(((((
Gonna CRY out soon! TT xD

TT ~ after bath, it hilang terus x(



Oh ya! I got my spec =D ~ Thk e jing ^^

All mine! xD  * Gila siao



Went to skul @ 10am
Gonna took kadet's picha today. =)
Wheeeeeeeee! x full-u x( How sad!

Nvm! we still enjoy the moment. LOL!

Almost forgot today was Kamal Jit's bufday =(
But at last, I rmbed xD ~ lalalalalaal <3
Present will gib you! dun worry, hahhaha

And you noe wad? Today was 牛油轩 bufday too! ahahahah
Giv -ed he a big suprise! shhhhhhhhhhh x)

I used RM10 in skul today, Juz for my lunch!
=.= ~ Shock rite?! x.x

Night, playing joke's competition wid pau and moses :D
I won of cos! =P

Tomorrow AGM!
Rockz! =)

*Is time to bath x)

~TH3 3ND~

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