
Wednesday 23 June 2010

It juz a moody post!

爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂。

It is more and more complicated! Damn it! =X
I'm sorrry! Really sorry. I dunno wad to do. =(
Please forgive me! But u can choose no too. I understand ur feeling

I dunno wad word I still can say. Really
maybe juz a word - SORRY! TT


Another cas, I realize dat I lost my MP4 last night.
Wth man``` !!! @.@
How careless am I?!!! Kena scold by mum gao gao lat!
Walao~ GOSH!


3rd cas. Sumthing happened. Maked me cried non-stop
Morning awake, headache!
It make me gonna long piak soon! Beh TAHAN!

* It nid settle today! More pening. ><


Why should lately so many things happened? WHY?!!!!
PMR is juz leave 102 days! It is SHORT!
And why OPY still dun wanna start ur revision?

3rd of JULY! Report card day! You will noe wad happen dat day.
I juz cant imagine! How many A’s I get? IDK! @.@
But it is x more den 5As! I think so.

Last time I got 9 – 10As. But now juz the half
Wad respond will my mum give? Juz imagine it guy! =(((
Allllaaahhhhhhh! Suck result I even had! x.x

I would like to SHOUT out all! A~~~~~~~~~!

烦 !!!


有时候 真的很不爽妈妈
甚至 讨厌她!

有些话 我没说出口
可是 并不代表我不介意。

这次的桃花劫 注定逃不了

~TH3 3ND~

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