
Monday 21 June 2010

Daddy + Granpa's day ^^

Yea! We celebrated our father day at Jambo x)

Not much to talk. Let view picha! =P

How cute are we! LOL xD

Total 12 ppls we got =) . I <3 them all!

Beer Fever x)

@ stage

wheeeeeeee`` I like da tree =)

Keep forcing them cam whore wid me =P

Sing K !!! ^^

Sweet couple they are =)

... x.x

Toilet cam-whore ~ wakakakakaka xD



wheeeeee, gonna marry soon xD ~

Acting fake! *.*

Last! let yammmmmmmm senggg! =D

Dat all for daddy's day and grandpa's day ^^


I done my hw almost! =)
I done my sejarah project! =)
I found my skul bag finally! =)

wheeeeeeee! ;D

My fb is more lag nowaday! =X
Ish! Everyday juz busy delete those rubbish msg.
Damn it!

So start from now, I wont simply accept those frenz request.
And imma gonna delete those frenz who i dunno them
But admit dat, I really super duper tripper lazy =(


~TH3 3ND~

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