
Saturday 26 June 2010

Eccept the fact =)

Hmm, 1st of all ... I wanna say it clear.
Imma really not x happy.
 Is juz ... feel dissapointed wid it!

Ngor zhan hai jib sao mm dou lor! =X

Can guess wad am I talking anyway? =.=


Okay dude! I get my result of kedudukan in class ytd.
其实我已有心理准备啦 =)

Not bad! At least x the last
( Is diis call 自我安慰?) IDK. @.@

Got 7As/13As. Wad a suck result! *Awwwwww!
3S, really is a 竞争很大的地方。 ( if x call 1st class meh? -.- )
I almost cant breath inside d class.

Ahahahha! But imma always. Dat y.
I get those suck result =.=
Dun learn me guys and gals =P

Anyway, I really can eccept the fact after dis moment!
Dun worry. Imma still enjoy nowadays.
Altought PMR leave 100 days! ROFLMAO!


Juz imma worrying my mum >.<
Next saturday ... awwwwww!
My death date. * God bless OPY


26 June 2010

Attended KRS's AGM.
1st time soo many ppls attended it! x bad =)

Really tired siao today. Run whole skul 5 round
My 1st time again @.@
Den terus kawad. ;_;

Btw, tommorow was HARI KADET!
KRS 14th bufday in our skul =)
* winks x)

I like the cake much. So nice man`!!

*Uploaded many picha of krs juz now x)
Maybe will upload in fb too. =)
Why? for fun lurr =P

Ahahahah! I <3 KRS btw! =D

More post and picha will update! =)

I love my life now. Plz dun disturb! =X

Dun EMO infont of me! Dun I told you?

Watching 金曲奖颁奖典礼。 woooo! So nice! =D

~TH3 3ND~

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