
Friday 18 June 2010

Outing + celebration =D

Yea. Total 10 of us! =D 

Meet them @ wm's lrt @ 10am
Went KLCC for a movie + celebrate van's belated bufday =)

We had Toy Story 3 !!!
Really a great movie!!! awesome =)

Oh ya! Had breakfast b4 movie. Went foodcourt =)
Ben's tomato + chili ~ he finished all
Shock me! ><'''

Cam-whore in toilet while waiting our turn x)
Freaking cold in da cinema! Really beh tahan!

Fern, pau and OPY went bought cake for van x)

Papaya!!! ( LOL! Who dunno =.= )

After went der went here, went up went down
Finally we decided celebrated in food court @ top floor
><'''  ( waste our time much )

Hmm, aircon too big, even cant lit up the candles.
So we decided 2 pretend van fin blowing out the candles & made a wish.

Giv-ed van van a hand make bufday card =)
Hope she like it laa ^^

She cried x)

Then all of sudden, we decided shifted the cake 2 a much suitable place & lit up those candles.

Dunno who's idea. xD

Oh yea! We sang bufday song as loud as we could x)
And many different lauguages ;D

Mou mou pushed her head ~ opppps =P

Dunno who's idea again ( All guy muz giv van a kiss xD )

1st was Ben ben =P

2nd was brandon ~

3rd was mou mou =P

And last was Ming Earn ^^

Girls =)

Boys =)

wheeeeeee. After celebrated bufday, we went art exhibition

Wearing wei fong's spec x)

Cam-whore again again and again ;D

Ah ben was queue - ing up for buy roti boy =P

Home sweet home at 6.25pm ~
Abit late but x kena scold! Luckly ><'''

Went pasar malam too! xD

Wad A tired day ~~~ But I had enjoyed all the day wid them =D
Hmm, hope dat got chance go out gather too! =)

The Karated Kid !!! Wanna watch it soon =)

p/s : More picha view here =)

~TH3 3ND~

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