
Sunday 20 June 2010

Hapii Father Day =)

Hapii Father Day to my daddy! Real daddy and also fake daddy! =P

Yea, goin out celebrate later wid whole big family. =D
Tomorrow will be skul reopen, how sad!
Now keep taip-ing my sejarah project. ( tomorrow last day ) =.=

Thk Pau Pau for helping me sooo muchii! Really thk! <3
Hope can done it all today! @.@

10am – 2pm – went tuition xD
How rajin am I! adui! =P
12pm, had a break wid them downstair da tuition centle.

Keep changing my blog tempelate. ><’’’
I used 1 hour ++ did it! And finally ~~~ xD

Lately x many special things happen my life actually.
So my post will be quite bored! x.x

Dat all for dis post! Teeeheeee =D

Much more complicated! =(

Plz dun ask me WHY WHY WHY! =X
How How How and What What What
I really dunno how to answer urs question~


~TH3 3ND~

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