
Friday 11 June 2010


After cutting the hair, had a very custom feel
Dunno why x.x

Canceled all the plan to wwm ytd!
Reason?! My stupid mum -.-
Kinda pek cek that time! Sry for those bad word!

Really really really veryyyyy pek cek dat time!
Till cant calm down! Juz feel like wanna kill ppls
Or juz shout as loud as I can?

Fuck Off!

No mood at all! Thk for daddy's comfort
Admit dat, I love daddy much more den mummy
=.= ... It is a TRUE!

All frenz were juz asking wad happen
Hmm ... diis means caring or 8 ? xDxD

Anyway, really thk to all for making me calm down!
Especially YOU! =DD

p/s : Gambateh pau pau! U might be the last next time x)

Silent is the best! =)

Dun feel like wanna argue wid mum n sis again!
Spoilt my mood!
Really TMD she! >.<

Anti - boys? I was like : wtf huh?!!

Okay. Fine. @.@

Today! Went popo's house =)

LOL! Played wid this things x.x
Ahahahah! Imma 3 year old kid! Dun worry xD

Cute laa them! =)))

Too bored? =P

Laksa !!! I'm lovin it! <3 <3

Not much to say!

Hw, project all havent done =X

Sorry to JK, Cat and Leslie! Really sorry
And feel very sorry

I should sing sorry sorry dy! ewwww! x.x

~TH3 3HD~

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